
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Emergency - send the ambulance

Yes, there's a whole teaching to be had on faith and divine healing.  But if you are sick and have an emergency, you don't have time for the teaching you just want the healing.  So let me cut to the chase and show you how to dial 911.

In this case you need to contact your church and ask your leaders/elders to lay hands on you and pray for you.  If your church is not familiar with healing God's way, and you can't find one that is, then you need to contact someone who does know about healing God's way.  Contact Jesus Heals Ministry International - see side bar for details or see below:

1 comment:

  1. I am Christian for over 40 years, l would like to share my opinion on Pastor Jean Lim ( Semarak Revival Centre) and Glory Place Centre of Malaysia(GP).
    Please be cautious and be on the ALERT! Religious SCAM-
    The people living in this cult are brained washed to reject education, medicine, having a career(Working), finding a job. Instead, they must only pray 24/7 other things are prohibited. What a Cult! They were forced by the Ministry to testify positive things about Pastor Jean Lim. They are not working and cannot associate with the people of the world who are considered unholy and dirty. Where they get their source of finances? They said from heaven? That's bullshit! They get their finances from scamming rich Christians who are suffering for critical illness like Cancer. They promised that Yeshua will heal them and withdraw all their savings, careers, steal their properties and then murder them and sent back their bodies. l have been a full-time staff under Jean Lim ministry for 10 years. So far, all the people came to her ministry were killed and were murder. We forced to propaganda all the good news about her Ministry cult movement. We were force to tell lies and cover up all her murders. During my serving, from 2005 to 2015, l witnesses over 36 people who were victims of this ministry murder scam. Every church in Singapore and Malaysia you go, when you as about Pastor Jean Lim, Semarak Revival Centre or Glory Place Malaysia(GP), they will show you pictures of their loved ones who were victims of this cult. Go and survey around first! You will learned that this cult has a massive records of cheating, murdering and killings. The estimate number of victims being murdered is estimated to be around 5, 000-7,000 in Malaysia and Singapore. Whereas, around the world is something like 15, 000-20,000. Such figures were massive. Thus, this is just an ice berg of the biggest mass murder ever in this world. It is nearly impossible to stop such a cult ministry. When, we murder or do harm to others, other supernatural force will also work to protect or support such pure evil movement. That's why nobody can stop this ministry. They need to murder and kill minimum around 10-20 people per-month around the world, for the evil force to be pleased and continue to shield and protect their lives and ministry from the authorities. During my stay in 2009, we were forced to open savings and current accounts in Singapore, Malaysia and Australia and our name and bank account were used to SCAM the rich Christians around the world by getting money into our account. They will force us to withdrawal from the bank. Don't be the next VICTIM!
